Rekordný účet: Izrael stála prvá noc obrany proti Iránu viac ako 1 miliardu dolárov! #md16x71

Noc z 13. an 14. Apríla 2024 stála Izrael viac ako 1,3 mld dolárov. Ked to pôkde takto ďalej skončí všetko a vám zatiaľ ďakujem za podporu
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The staggering cost of Israel’s defense against Iran’s missile attack: ‚4-5 billion shekels per night‘
Brig. Gen. Reem Aminoach, economic advisor to former IDF chief of staff, tells the Ynet studio about the high cost of activating the defense systems in Israel overnight, and the relatively low price paid by Iran
Iran’s massive missile attack overnight between Saturday and Sunday on Israel was stopped by Israel’s sophisticated defense systems. It obviously cost a lot of money, and the question, among others that arise the next morning, is how much? Brig. Gen. Reem Aminoach, former financial advisor to the IDF chief of staff, tried to estimate. „The defense tonight was on the order of 4-5 billion shekels,“ he said in a conversation with Ynet studio.
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Sledujte Martina Daňa tu:
Miesto: Bratislava
Osoby: Martin Daňo
Iné: megalodon, gorila, nakrúcanie, politika, vláda, parlament, SMER-SD, demokracia, totalita, smrť, genocída, národ, #martindano #ginn #novinar
Produkcia: GINN a Martin Daňo © 2024
Nakrútené: 14.4.2024
Publikované: 14.4.2024
Séria: Gorila, Megalodon, Slovensko, Slovakia

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